The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium strongly recommends system administrators to patch the affected systems after thorough testing. If patching is not immediately an option, follow the vendor's instructions to mitigate the vulnerability.
The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium strongly recommends system administrators to take the following actions:
• Patch your systems after thorough testing according to the vendors instructions.
The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium strongly recommends system administrators to visit VMWare’s Customer Portal to download and install the patched versions of this software.
The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium strongly recommends system administrators to take the following actions:
Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) recommends upgrading your software.
For CVE-2023-2828:
Upgrade to the patched release most closely related to your current version of BIND 9:
The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium strongly recommends system administrators to visit VMWARE’s release pages to download and install the patched versions of this software.
The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium strongly recommends Windows system administrators to take the following actions:
Upgrade to:
To address the vulnerabilities, Zyxel advises users to patch, using the patches mentioned in their advisory, available at: